
Had my annual Covid vaccine shot the previous Monday. Usually I stay with Pfizer but the pharmacy was out of that brand, so I figured the vaccines are all the same.

Nope, after the fact, not all the same. Oh how I wished I would have stayed with Pfizer as the side effect was only 24 hours of being so very tired. This time, with the other Pharma, I was tired for almost a week.. had trouble sleeping for 5 days... wasn't hungry... stomach wasn't a happy camper... and I was snarling at hubby. Hubby's side effects lasted 3 days.

So, if you plan to get a Covid vaccine, stay with the brand you have previously used, if the side effects were mild or no effects at all. And note if a love one you are caring for try to get the same brand.

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Thanks PJ

Hubby's still blahhh. As sick as he was all weekend I didn't expect it to go right away. Low energy, poor apitite. Got him some Pedialyte this morning, and instant breakfast drinks.

Just between us, he is starting to get on my nerves. 😂

I just had pfizer covid vax and flu vax 4 days ago. I think this is my 5th covid. The first 3 were Moderna. Covid in the right arm flu in the left. Left breast got very sore and left elbow yesterday so that was on the flu vax side. Covid side didn't bother me except short term spot soreness. A little post nasal drip and stuffiness. Much better today. Still have pneumonia vax and shingles vaxes to go to get where doc wants me to be on vaccinations. I am late 60s.
I have not ever had covid to my knowledge despite my husband and inlaws all getting it last Christmas. I was the only one who didn't and I tested repeatedly because I really thought I would get it. All vaxxed and no one had severe case- more like a cold. Inlaws are 94 and 88 so was concerned for them especially but they fared well.
Last year I had not gotten the flu vax yet and got really sick with influenza type A in early mid November. Took tamiflu but still felt like I was going into pneumonia. Worked very hard at keeping stuff coughed out of bottom of left lung by using inverted positions and recommended cough positions plus drank a lot of liquid. Don't want that again! Put me out of commission for over 2 weeks, kept a pretty good fever for a week.
Everyone has to decide for themselves. We don't know the effects of a lot of things we do- microplastics in food and drink and cosmetics, pfas in everything and that is killing cattle in west Texas, food additives, inhaling cleaning chemicals, flame retardants on everything, pfas in teflon, chemicals in drinking water not to mention the air. I am really more concerned about some of those things personally but everyone has their own concerns.
There may be some correlation to blood clots with vaccines and certainly covid as I am reading about. Of course there is probably some correlation to being more sedentary and blood clots, too, which a lot of us were during early covid shutdowns. Time will tell on the vaccines, we just have to do the best we can with the information we have.
Also, that House report is of no interest to me whatsoever. I have no interest in what a bunch of politicians opinions are on the subject. Congress, the Supreme Court, and the Presidency have become so polarized politically that they have ceased to function rationally or with any respect or empathy. Way too much money is at play in politics especially since Citizens United supreme court decision. If you want to know why something happens follow the money. I trust nothing that is said anymore plus these people are not experts in the fields of science or medicine.
I am much more interested in the data and facts from respected medical doctors and scientists who spend their lives and countless hours searching for answers. Any papers published in peer reviewed journals must be exactly that. Reviewed by their peers before acceptance for publication. Competing labs will try to replicate or disprove results which provides more information and support to findings or more questions to be answered. You can't just publish anything. It goes through rigorous review. More funding is needed for scientific research. Tax cuts have resulted in a loss of funding for basic scientific research which will affect Americans' health.

Jewllsy, thanks for that, it's 500 + pages. If anyone reads it and wants to sum it up 😂 that would be great.

The House covid pandemic subcommittee has released it's final report.

Ugh, hubby is his usually sick with the vaccine. I was up, on and off all night. Covering him with blankets, uncovering him.

He just had a physical, and I totally forgot to have him ask the doctor about his fever issues. It's just so normal for us, we forget this isn't everyones normal.

Hubby got his today, will see how it goes. He doesn't do great with any vaccine, because of is undiagnosed whatever, since his time in the service, (possible malaria). He also doesn't do well will viruses, so we will see. He hasn't had one since the booster.

I'm guessing it's going to be a quite weekend.

I don't think my non vaccinated older brother, will ever be the same health wise after covid 2 years ago.

Which is a good point FF had that stress causes cancer and I think the extreme stress we all experienced my have also increased cancer

I know a lot of people that said the first vaccine gave them shingles, was it the vaccine or the stress we were experiencing. My guess on the shingles, was the stress

Maybe we need some perspective. 1 week of being uncomfortable vs months in the hospital. 1 week of being uncomfortable vs years of medications to combat the long-term/Lifetime of after affects of Covid infection. 1 week of being uncomfortable vs weeks of being on a ventilator and not knowing if you'll survive. 1 week of being uncomfortable vs death.

Back when I had breast cancer, my surgeon said she was seeing an uptick due to "stress". This was back in 2009, as cellphones were becoming more popular (85%) and users becoming more stressed, like a small child always tugging at one's skirt.

I no longer use a cellphone, only for emergencies as phone booths have disappeared completely from the planet. Wow, it was like a huge weight was lifted off me putting aside that annoying piece of technology. I've even removed myself from certain website forums where people were always bickering and fighting. Whew, that was tech overload.

I don't blame you at all lea

I and my oncologist know AN, and it has nothing to do with plastic but with spike proteins.

Watched a documentary on plastics the other day, and how we have become a disposable society.

It made me sick to watch. Business cutting up pallets of luggage, so people will by newer better .

Who knows, why or what is causing the uptick, some say it's them being brought up on processed foods, some say the vaccine, ect....

It's sad , that's all I know.

Alva, you couldn't pay me to have another covid shot. Stage 4 cancer out of the blue and the odd way it presented itself is plenty of proof for me. All 3 shots were in my left arm, and that's where the melanoma showed up, and the subsequent tumor in my armpit, that metastasized to liver and bones/spine in short order.

I actually consider myself one, Lea. A triple negative tumor left breast near axilla after total 7 covid injections. All were given in the left arm as right arm has fewer lymph nodes due to an old cancer from 38 years ago.
Question is, and is remains to be seen, is it just likely I make cancers (as a hobby) or was there a connection? My doctor has suggest that now I keep covid shots down to one a year, like a flu shot, for the duration, and switch arms.

There are more cancers in the young now and particularly young women 20s and 30s with uptick yearly of some 3% and of colon cancer (huge raise for the young, some in 20s, almost unheard of in past). No one knows why. So far they are saying diet, fats, plastics, anything but injections.
We do know that studies are being done, but these things are oft hard TO study.

Jwellsy check out this short video about the huge rise in unexpected cancers since the vaccines were rolled out.

Eileen, that is actually why the vaccine shouldnt be judged.

My Dad died after a server cold at the very beginning,of the pandemic , after brother brought home a cold from Italy. Had a cold which lead to TIAs

It's a roll of the dice these days, and we all should educate are selves and do what is best for us

I am feeling much better today! 🤗

The last time i had my covid vaccine 2 days later I had a mini stroke developed afib and now I have a pacemaker. Before that the only meds I was on was vitamins and a prolia shot 2 x yearly

Got mine yesterday, Tired not sick , but couldn't sleep, my arm feels like I got punched by Mike Tyson, and couldn't sleep in my usual position.

I had covid and flu at same time. Awful side effects for 2 days!

Sandi, that is a strange one. I wouldnt get anymore either.

The only 3 people I know with long covid never got vaccinated. Long covid is ruining my brothers retirement, he is always dizzy, always going to some appointment for something, that's why I get them, but they are not for everyone.

Ever since by first booster {after the first two vaccines were developed} I still battle razor blade mouth…sores, raw gum line, burning in mouth…My dentist says he has seen this issue in other people….I would never try a covid vaccine again..Oral mouth issues was one of the little know long lasting side effects..I lose weight every time I get a new break out! UGH..

Moderna makes me feel the way Excedrin or Sudafed makes me feel, which is not a good feeling.

I guess like you if you had 10 cups of coffee. Not heart racing, but very nervous and like my skin is crawling

I am opposite in that Moderna always makes me have side effects for two to three days. Did this time, as well. And Pfizer is great for me. So go figure; we are all different. It's not a lot, honestly, to live through on a scale 1-10 I can't give it more than a 3.

That site's pretty funny.
Look at their list of least biased sites.
That site obviously has their own biased agenda to suppress opposing views.

If there happens to be someone here that speaks Japanese, I'm wondering if the researchers in this video actually say what the subtitles say or did someone monkey with/ fake the subtitles.

I agree Alva, ya gotta weigh your options, and decide for yourself, with no judgement to others, for there choice.

I didn't get one last year, actually probably wouldn't this year, but we are flying in January.

Peggy Sue, that's interesting anecdotal story there, but the connection between the shrinking lymphoma and the moderna vaccine is, I am certain ALL medical doctors have told you, doesn't exist. As a matter of fact some oncologists are exceptionally worried about the UPTICK in cancers since covid vacs are given with such frequency. There are many more and many younger colon and breast cancer victims. Breast cancer itself is going UP by 3% to 5% estimated yearly.
My own doctor told me, since I have mastectomy on right and take all injections (11 so far) in left arm that my covid vac now should be no more than once a year booster. That after I showed up with a new triple negative breast cancer near left axilla in left breast last February.

We don't KNOW yet what long term is on this stuff. My SIL in a study now regarding his getting a huge blood clot in his lung with no predisposing factors. They are saying long covid? Maybe? No idea.
Another friend in a Long Covid study as well.
We have to be careful out here. Do what we choose making our best guesses with our own docs but so far this IS guesswork.

Right now, unless to cull the herd of very old and very ill, covid is not appreciably killing anyone. Here and likely here to stay but greatly weakening. I wish all best of luck with their own choices. I am the last to say I know anything.
But one case of anything one way or another, means not much.

Mil got Moderna while she had stage 4 lymphoma. Soon afterward, her cancer began to shrink. Its been three years now that it’s been gone.

Just as one can’t say the vax exacerbated their cancer, nor can one say that in her case the vax cured it.

Finally got my flu shot today. Covid next week. After, the stomach bug I figured I'd seperate them a week.

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