
It is not bed bugs, had that checked out. it turns into little sores an it itches. put perspercation med on it then 2 weeks later put it on again. it does not look as bad but it is still a problem. went to the is mainly on stomach area

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YES, get it diagnosed right away!! You could have a # of contractual things...first thing that came to mind was MERCA! It can spread in hospital as well as staph!! Please have it treated by a Dr., SOON! Hope you get an answer ASAP.... Sayin a prayer for you good luck, and stay healthy
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Dear hcb1941,
Totally agree with stressedmom. Is it spreading? Dripping out fluid? Infected? Red around the sore? Painful?
Your doctor who took care of you in the hospital should take care of you about this. Just because the RX med worked for a little while, but it came back, so whatever is causing the problem has not been resolved. Just because the RX worked for a little while and then didn't cure the problem does not mean that whatever is the cause is cured. It is not cured.
I had a severe case of bed bug bites all over my back, arms, neck, and legs while staying in a B & B here and had to see a dermatologist and he prescribed an RX that took care of the problem.But it took more than 2 months for the severe redness and irritation and itching to finally be cured. But since you said that a doctor said it wasn't bed bugs, then a dermatologist or another specialist should definately find out the CAUSE of the problem and not just treat the symptoms. This does not sound good to me,since you got it in the hospital. You could of contracted it from another patient thru the RNs or the other people taking care of you. But push and push to have it diagnosed for what it really is; get to the root of the problem right away.
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Is it weeping any fluid out of the sore? Also does it seem to spread to different areas? I want to know why,if you were bit in the hospital, why they don't take care of it? Did you tell them what happened?
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You might try some iodine. That can help many things. Also lavender essential oil is often useful for these type of lesions .
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