
At one point a half year ago or so, a big toilet paper company came out with a roll without the cardboard center. It looked funny, but the advertisement was showing, less waste.. You really don't need the cardboard center... The whole roll will be tissue, and nothing left to throw away in the trash.. Ok, I get it now. Did I buy it? No.. I bought my good ole brand.. One ply, no stoppage, get to the bottom of it, and be done... And then throw away the center cardboard...
With the pandemic.. we are told that tissue is not an issue.. it's made here in the US...for us anyway, we have the ability to rise above and get er done...There are internet sites to see how toilet paper is made.. wonderful. But then I hear a smidgeon of a point.. the cardboard centers are made in china and shipped to the companies here in the USA that make the all so mighty toilet paper!! No matter if it's one ply, two ply, wipe it clean the first time paper... so why don't the manufactures go back to making the centerless TP... or, to spread it wider (pardon the pun), just make one ply tissue?
Hoarders... how much do you eat that you need a 2 year supply of toilet paper? The grocery store shelves should be stocked by now... The bottle water issue has finally subsided... You can go into a store and find bottled water now.. People finally figured they can boil and filter tap water...
I didn't realize people had a huge obsession with TP.. I bought 2 packages of TP about 3 weeks ago. When they run out, we have grocery bags.. paper and plastic, waste cans, wipes of all types, they work on every part of body.. cosmetic, baby, and adult.. paper towels, kleenex.. OH BY THE WAY.. THROW THOSE AWAY WHEN DONE. Do not flush. grocery bags, paper and plastic work great for those used wipes... Kinda think when you brought your baby home.. Those wipes worked well... and then you throw them away.. the wipes...not the babies.
SO, TOILET PAPER PEOPLE...MAKE ONE PLY TISSUES WITHOUT THE CENTER CARDBOARD.. GET IT BACK ON SHELVES...Then everyone can go about their business... (pardon the pun).

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I agree! It’s been 3-4 weeks now, where’s the TP?
Luckily I went grocery shopping (and a haircut/color) two days before this pandemic blew up and bought TP & paper towels. I have about 1 week’s worth.
I too have been thinking about this, Mayday. I am hoping when I have to venture out in a week if those two items will be there.
Thank goodness I bought a large TP package! I am cheap sometimes!
TP is expensive!
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cwillie Apr 2020
You are right Shane TP can be expensive, that's why I usually buy a large package when it is on sale - 12 double rolls, but if those are doubles I'd hate to see how small the singles are. I think that people are still buying TP when it becomes available even when they don't necessarily need it, just in case.
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When it started here, literrally, I was looking at the TP, and thought,,, naaaa, this won't happen... had a whole shelf I could have emptied... Then the next day. after the warning... that shelf was empty.. I hunted one day 5 stores.. NOTHING.
Finally asked a clerk at a local store... " THE SPECIAL DROP WILL BE SUNDAY MORNING AT 10:30".. I got there, and just stalked Isle 10 for almost an hour. Other things were being shelved... Talked to random people.. and finally left #10, and Lo and behold.. Isle 14 HAD THE GOODS.. !!! that was about 3 weeks ago... nothing since...
I hate waiting in line to get into a store now.. That really bothers me.. I avoid it most times..
I'm glad I am not alone...
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peace416 Apr 2020
I don't like the lines either..but staggering the amount of people let into a store' marking the floors with Xs - 6 feet apart outside and on the lines for the check-out , masks - the whole "new normal" is to keep us safe from this virus.
So, the haircut and color.not me.. didn't think it would be this bad... My friend did get me a lil, Clarol root color and brow tinting product. Brush it in.. Works better than nothing... If I get the coloring bottles, then everything in the house will be that tint.. I'm not good at it.. One time went to see my mom.. and first thing I saw was her cat... white persian... I found mom and said, "I see you colored your hair".. she was glad I noticed until she realized the cat was the same color :) I dpn't know how that happened.
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I picked a good year to be single and swear off boyfriends for a while! I stopped paying for manicures/pedicures, waxing about six months ago, and still would like to get my hair done as scheduled every 6 weeks, but I've rescheduled for next month and saved some cash. Dating is expensive for women, too! I hear men griping all the time about how much they need to fork over for dates.....Please!/. Every visit to my Ooo La La hairdresser is about $250.
Maybe we can all learn a little bit about what we can do without (or need less of).
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I saw n the news yesterday morning the reason, yes there is a reason, for the TP shortage. With all the stay at home orders there is much more TP being used that is manufactured for home use. They are increasing production and will take time to get it distributed. Patience, as it is with everything.

This isn't the first time there has been a shortage according to the story. You can probably Google it and find it though. It was CBS Saturday morning show, I think.

Found it.
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gladimhere Apr 2020
And here is the one from yesterday morning.
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It is just a luck of the draw to happen to be in a store when that store puts it out. I am just a few years away from being able to shop early and my husband who could cannot get up that early. I have a fair amount because I started to buy it earlier in time and also got up early before there were rules about seniors being let in first. I shipped a 12 pack to my son in California along with some other items. I don't tbink i ever heard such gratitude for something and I am a decent gift giver. People say there shouldn't be hoarding but as time wears on with no changes to supplies what may seem like hoarding will just become an average backup.
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gladimhere Apr 2020
River, i am good for a couple months now. A couple weeks ago i bought a 12-24 pack of walmart brand, that is all that was available. Haven't had to open that yet.

Yesterday I was able to get my usual brand a 12-24 pack. That is a 12 pack of double rolls. I did not buy 12 of the 24 packs.
The stores here all have TP again.
I read that most stores did not change their ordering routine, so it took a good while for the stock to come back up.

i know that there were many people who saw what happened in SE Asia with the TP being bought up (even a theft!), and thought they would grab everything they could to sell a HUGE markup.

well, there really isn’t any issue to the supply chains time you see a truck your appreciation, they are keeping the nation stocked.
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If you want a laugh about this..check You Tube for one of the many "How Many $h!t$ per sheet" videos out there. They are actually pretty funny.
I call the Hoarders "Covidiots."
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gladimhere Apr 2020
You gotta laugh or you may lose your mind!
I heard a theory that many people are eating their own cooking for the first time in their lives, and that is the reason toilet paper demand has skyrocketed. :)
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FloridaDD Apr 2020
I think people are using more at home because not at work
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TP has reappeared here. Not huge supplies but commonly available. And the cardboard tube wasn’t taken because of concern for the environment, the manufacturers just realized it was a win-win for them, a tube they could stop bothering to buy and include, and a marketing ploy that they were caring for the environment.
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My extended family is in the tree farm cutting business. Thursday was the last day they were cutting pulpwood as the word is the TP industry has caught up to the demand and starting Monday, it will be the usual mix of lumber for cut wood.
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Last week and this week, I was able to find PAPER PRODUCTS.. !!

Amazing... Only one per customer.. That's better than nothing.. It took longer than expected to get a little bit on the shelf.. I don't shop that often..
If they ever run out of wine, I might whine... :(
It does not seem like this covid19 will go away silently, not so near in the future.. So remember to keep your distance, use your masks and gloves, and a long wave HELLO to your elders in the homes. They will hear you.
Go Earth Diving: Masks, gloves, plastic foot coverings.. and for flare.. snorkels, and goggles.. I just may try to squeeze into my scuba gear for a change of scenery... That may be too far-fetched... think they don't make wetsuits that big nowadays.. I don't think mine will fit.. and if it did, the sharks will mistake me for a seal, sea lion or something fat n, I won't say tasty.
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Us too! My hubby managed to get a large package of TP and paper towels at Walmart. He was only allowed to buy one of each. I’ll take it!
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