My mom, age 83, has breast cancer. Turns out she found the lump almost 5 months before seeing a doctor (this is typical behavior for her).
She is adamant that she does not want chemo, but is willing to have a lumpectomy and radiation. My sisters and I support her decision against chemo, but my father lost it when she initially said that. I'm afraid he will pressure her to have chemo if they give her a bad prognosis after surgery.
Does anyone have experience with an elderly person getting chemo? Also, any experience with an elderly person and lumpectomy, mastectomy, and radiation?
My mother had an aunt who went through the mastectomy and radiation in her 80's and had a ROUGH time of it.
She just witnessed her pastor turn into a shell of his former self over the past 2 yrs with chemo and then die. One of her close friends has been battling lung cancer and getting chemo and having a rough time.
I accompanied her to her first oncologist appt this week. Dr asked her what she was willing to tolerate as treatment. She said NO CHEMO. He said most elderly say that. He did not push her at all.
She has good insurance.
What to possibly live another 6 months and suffer all the way through it?
Today, it is all about money, how much can you get from Medicare?
my friend tried to warn her mother not to do it. but the doctor pressured her. after her death, the doctor apologized to my friend: chemo was the wrong decision.
If the cancer is only in that one breast and is a very low Stage, have Mom ask her doctor if he/she thinks doing mastectomy might be a better choice. I know for myself, I had a mastectomy 13 years ago and didn't need chemo or radiation, but did have to take pills that I had trouble with side effect.
This can vary from patient to patient.
What treatment has your mom's oncologist recommended? Not all breast cancers are the same and it's not like all of the respond to chemo. And not all chemo is the same.
Is someone going to the oncology appointments besides mom and dad? Taking along another set of ears could be very helpful.
My mom had breast cancer at 65. My dad was so hysterical, he couldn't hear anything the doctors were saying.
My parents, who were very smart, rational people BOTH became emotional basket cases. My mother almost made a very poor treatment choice just to get the surgery over with because she couldn't bear how my dad was behaving.