Long story short...my mother liquidated all her assets and purchased a home for my brother and his wife in 2021 where she was supposed to live out her days. SIL became abusive within 3 months and I allowed my mother to move in with me in March 2022. It was a huge mistake - it was pure hell. She has many health issues including demensia, BPD, NPD, bipolar, etc...She only has about 1300 a month coming in and with your help, my husband and I got her out and into an AL for 1300 a month in July 2023. Well, she's been evicted because of her behavior she has 30 days which can be escalted to 5 if she continues. She will not be coming back here. What are my responsibilities and obligations. Do I call APS? All advise is very welcomed. Thank you.
If so, and if your Mom is so bad as to be incompetent in her own care now, then YOU are the one responsible.
If she isn't, then I don't know what to say. She gave up her home. At this point she is homeless and mentally ill. Not a good combo for certain.
You didn't cause any of this.
You can't fix any of this.
Yes, I would call APS about this pending eviction.
And I would not accept POA for a person mentally ill.
I must have already recommended the memoir by Liz Scheier called Never Simple.
If I didn't, order it today.
Ms Scheier worked for decades to get care for her mentally challenged Mom, and along with the social care auspices of the city and state of New York was unable to do any appreciable good for her mother who in fact DID end out of control, homeless. But not before almost taking her daughter down with her. While this book will be no comfort for you it will let you know that A) There is nothing you can do and B) Trying could well take you down before Mom