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My husband keeps about everything his eyeglasses, phone, his shaver and few more....
ayayyyyyyy. when he looks disheveled, how about a shave.....I dunno come you are wearing your glasses, I cannot find it...… has bee a few days, have not his phone, by now it needs recharge …..barely on...….
he is not at an alarming stage of dementia but, he looks awfully cute !!!
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I really don't know how people can take care more than one TODDLER!
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Hi...Y'all are smart using the garage as a sounding board. issues are similar but different and not quite as bad. My honey is a sweetheart to everyone else but is getting back to being a horse's patoot again.

My honey doesn't have dementia or alz that I know of but has turned into a horse's patoot. We had a come to Jesus meeting before he came home from rehab after he threatened me. (all weapons are locked up..I have only access). He has been sweet as pie up until the last few days. Wanted me to put off my eye doctor appointment said couldn't afford it and he was not paying for my eyes (haven't been in 5 years and when I went I found out I have secondary cataracts forming with one eye needing surgery in the next month), wanted me to put my primary care doctor off (haven't been in 2 years) will be my cardiology appointment that comes up around September. By the way I make sure he gets to his doctors once a week or every two weeks and am here when visiting nurse and rehab comes in. He is trying to turn things around to where I wait on him hand and foot again....not working. So now he turns his head slightly away from me and mumbles...Then when I ask him what he said he starts in about my hearing. He is doing his best to make me think I am crazy. Ugh!!

He wanted a shake from a fast food place today and I reminded him about the sodium (he has CHF and currently his edema is returning). He blew up and got derogatory and nasty and I resigned as his caregiver. Told him he 66, he feels competent to make his own decisions (I have been his caregiver of 13 years); it is on his head. When I went to go get his shake as soon as I pulled out of the garage I turned the music way up and screamed. Darn that felt good. I will fix his meds, help him with his IV but what ever happens as far as the edema and is on him. I am done. When he starts getting severe swelling again I am calling 911 and they can take him back to the hospital. I am going back to being his significant other (we are not married...period...not even common law though we have been together for 30 years). I am done fighting with him. I will not lift on him again, nor listen to the constant pity party he has going on. I still love him... I am just tired. Until there is a need for the POA that I have to kick in the decisions are his. There is a lot more to it (see "how do you handle downright mean" but this is just a brief summary here on this thread). Let's just say I spend a lot of time in my study working on my paintings which is my sanity saver.
Helpful Answer (3)

BRAVO for you!!!

I remember your first post about should you be firm with him. We all said "YES" and you took the bull by the horns.

I'm so proud of you for standing up for what you believe and setting boundaries. You really DO have the power!

You know you need to take care of yourself and he can't say you can't go.
Tell him it's in HIS best interest if his caregiver is at her healthiest.

You sure can't force somebody to do what you want them to do, but YOU can do whatever you want to do......and you're DOING it!

Again, BRAVO! 👏🏽👏🏽  👍🏽
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dusti, I hope your study is sound and vision-proof and lockable with only your key!!!
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Hi Sue...Thanks...I try my best. I figure I can't control his actions but I can control mine and let him know when he has crossed the line. I love the old saying of you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. Sure fits.

I am curled up in my study right now reading and responding here and working on my painting. Am very relaxed. (smile)
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Myownlife...good suggestion but not needed right now. Have learned to usually ignore him when he decides to turn into a horse's patoot and just keep on with what I am doing. As to the study door does lock but no need for it. (smile). He has gotten better but still has some rough times though they are fewer amd farther between.

Y'all have a great night!
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