
I have shared in this forum previously about my MIL's issues with ALZ. Today this post is to share about me. I am 45 yrs. old with 11-year-old and 15-year-old kids. My MIL has been in stage 5, moderate for a very long time. She has been living with the disease for at least 9 years now. She is physically quite healthy and active for a 83 yr. old in spite of the uncontrolled diabetes she has had for 40 yrs. (no heart disease, pressure or any diabetes complications). So, she might carry on with ALZ for more years I guess. She spends 5 months each in our house and my husband’s brother. The sons will not put MIL in a nursing home due to cultural reasons. I have shared before with all of you of her cursing me and the other daughter in law 24/7 either for the food we cook or that we are stealing her clothes. We cook everyday dreading what yelling we will encounter. I am used to her calling me devil, who*e and other curse words all the time. Since the sight of me makes her go berserk, I am mostly huddled up in my room or I take my two kids out for activities and escape my house. I never have dinner with family because if I sit at the dinner table it is a nightmare, listening to the abuse about the food we cook. Our family has turned quite dysfunctional, only my husband and MIL eat together. Everybody else eats at their own time. Both me and husband work from home and have very busy jobs. I do most of the cooking and cleaning for the family. However, because my husband fears his mother hurling abuse about food (she thinks all cooked food is 6 months old or tastes bad), he whips up something fresh for her lunch and dinner every day. All she does is curse (swearing and curses that evil things happen to me or that I should get a disease and die, let someone shoot you, something falls on your head, let your kids illtreat you, etc.). Even in her sleep, and in her prayers, I can see her muttering to God to give me the worst suffering (I sometimes think it’s hilarious.). She does not curse her own children, it's only the daughter in-laws and her own mother-in-law, sister in laws etc., I used to be patient with her all the time, right from the beginning of this disease and never retort back, in part because my husband wouldn’t let me, and I wanted to keep family peace. Rarely when it used to get to my nerves, and I would say something he would swing right back at me in support his mother. Since we are both in the same house working from home, he is around all the time and if I say something, it will become an ugly fight between us which I don’t want my kids to endure. But in the last several months, I think something strange has happened to me. Even when my MIL is yelling like crazy onto my face, I don’t feel like saying anything in return. It’s like I have no energy to fight, or I feel frozen. I feel even if she attacks me, I will just stay frozen and not defend back. I was a highly organized, fast, multi-tasking person before. But now, I am noticing my office work is suffering, deadlines are missing, missing kid’s deadlines (like when they are absent at school, I am forgetting to call the school and the school staff is upset and calling me), forgetting about library books, forgetting to cancel extracurricular lessons, and getting non-refunds now, misplacing things in the house. I am turning forgetful, and I cannot multi-task like before. I can only do one thing at a time. I am on the internet countless hours searching non relevant stuff and office work is suffering. I used to take showers everyday but these days I don’t realize that I haven’t showered in like two or three days. I recently got an auto immune disorder Alopecia areata where I am losing hair in patches. I don’t know if it has something to do with my stress. I tried a few counselling sessions, but it didn’t help. I don’t think I am depressed. But something is wrong with me, and I cannot diagnose what and what I should do.

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This was so painful to read. I understand a little of what you are going through regarding how this can have an impact on your quality of life, forgetfulness, work and the list goes on. Please your mental well-being is so important. If possible you must remove yourself and the children from this situation because if something happens to you physically due to stress (which I would not like to see happen), you will be in rehab trying to rebuild your life, your children without a Mother while your MIL is moving on with her life without a care in the world. I made a decision long time ago that peace of mind is number one in my life and "anyone" that attempts to disrupt that will be dismissed quickly and I have no problem telling them the reason why. Please for your own sake and the sake of the children. If your spouse can't seem to understand, separation (not saying divorce) may be an option until some boundaries are established. This is not normal and no way to live especially in "your own home" where peace should reside.
Helpful Answer (2)

Annat123: See your physician as soon as possible as your well being is at stake.
Helpful Answer (6)

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free........." simple words on the Statue of Liberty. So many come, and attempt to come, to the United States, so that they, too, will have the opportunity to breathe free.

You are here for a reason and the best reason of all is to instill the meaning of freedom and to teach by example. Your children are not learning what they need to know, from you or your husband. If the old ways from a foreign country were so good, they why did they leave? Why is oppression practiced in your home? What are your children learning that they can use in their adult lives; will they accept oppression too? "Teach your children well," by Graham Nash.
Helpful Answer (4)

Both you and your husband are teaching your children that verbal abuse is acceptable. They will have this lesson for the rest of their lives. You are teaching them that women aren't considered equal in a marriage and must do whatever their husband says, even if it is damaging to them and their kids.

I know this sounds harsh but that is the reality. You probably are depressed as virtually anyone would be if they were constantly abused. Think of what that is doing to the long-term mental health of your kids.

Neither your husband nor his mother will change. You can seek help for your mental health, but the only real solution is to either move out or refuse to have your MIL at your house. If your husband can't see the impact this is having on you and the kids or places his cultural norms above your mental and physical health, it is time to go.
Helpful Answer (4)

Please remove yourself and your children from this abusive environment. Using "it is cultural" is not acceptable, and not necessary. I have a feeling you are from another country and came here for a better life. You are a grown woman with a full-time job, and children to raise - and you and your children deserve much better. It is not your responsibility to rescue your mother-in-law from her disease or your husband's co-dependency with her. When you leave you will find the universe embraces you and you will find a healthy place where you can grow into your own potential as well as your children. You do not have to live like you are living now - and you do have the ability to leave. You have options - taking the first step out of that slave-like abusive environment is the first step. Take some clothes and your computer and phone and children and don't look back!!!! In a year you will look back and wonder what took you so long to take that first step. And when your husband comes begging for you to come home - DON'T - free yourself from these chains. You will be glad you did. End this karma....
Helpful Answer (5)

Oh my goodness, I feel for you. I’m single and taking care of my mom but nothing like this. I honestly hate telling you this, but step away until this is all over. This is affecting your life, health, and family. Your husband is too far gone in “mama” right now, and whether he knows better is not even an issue. You need to save your life based on health reasons…period. You know what I would do? Go rent myself a cute one bedroom apartment (or two, if you want to take your kids). I’m sure they would take you up on it. What’s gonna happen when his mom is gone. You’re going to be the most unhealthy, who knows if unemployed, retirement ruined unhappy gal. This isn’t your fault, but it’s your solution. If your hubby wants to come with the family once or twice a week, bro can stay with mom. She is upsetting you as much as she is upsetting herself. It’s a win win. Get your place, work, take yoga, some jogging, nice cooking, and live the life of your dreams. Don’t forget a Starbucks every once in a while. The reason you’re doing this is for peace of mind for all parties, plain and simple. Why should you be the one to suffer and die slowly when you could be full of life. Lots of love and peace. Do it for you girlfriend!
Helpful Answer (3)

She should be put away, yesterday! Barring that, remove yourself from the situation. Your husband should care about you, not her. She's abusive and it doesn't matter why.

Take care of yourself, you deserve it. Age and mental issues doesn't mean you have to take what's being given. Take care of yourself and your kids.
Helpful Answer (2)

You are getting physically sick. God forbid you get something more serious. I would disengage completely. Dont cook NOTHING clean NOTHING of hers anymore. Dont be in the same room either. Remove yourself COMPLETELY.
He can clean cook shower & clean up after her pees & poops ! Your DONE. You have your own children to look after she aint blood she aint NOTHING of yours! Adios & good luck you out! Take care of you take care of your babies...
Helpful Answer (3)

Any way you and your kids could move to an apartment somewhere and leave all the caretaking to your husband and his brothers> If they had to do 100% of the care taking, they might change their tune on Nursing Home Placement.
Helpful Answer (2)

You could always stop participating. Stop communicating with her. Let your husband do the work, cooking, cleaning after his mother. Wouldn't that be interesting. Give him a heads up the whole family is unhappy, overwhelmed, etc. Let his brother take her for the year if he's making the decision not to place her.

You shouldn't have to move from your home. Mother in law should stay with her son that's calling the shots. My heart goes out to you.
Helpful Answer (2)

Well my dear ,
After thirty years in my marriage and still married, I also having ***ONE OF THOSE***
and there is still resentment and hypocrisy toward me. I was at first driven to that point where I overworked myself and excluded thinking about what mattered to me. It was always for someone else, never myself .
Recently I found out that when my MIL managed to get to the hospital before me because my husband was taken there and she listed his intake as divorced..
So really and why would she do that you would think? Because she isn’t going to change!!! So take care of yourself and stop cooking for her since she criticizes you and draw your line. Understandably there maybe be cultural obligations, but obviously that doesn’t matter to your husband or her, so why do that to yourself.
Feed the family, leave the dishes and go for a walk . Whether you please her or him or your children, you still deserve some respect and take control of your life .
Please just get some air and leave it behind . It will be there when you get back .
Helpful Answer (0)

Sounds like it's time for you to take a full-time job outside of your home or move out..............................make an appointment with a marriage therapist and stop being an indentured slave: you deserve a better life, but you're the only one who can make that happen.
Helpful Answer (1)

My heart aches for you. You have received some excellent suggestions here but as AlvaDeer has pointed out........... running against a "cultural" family is like running headlong into the wall of China!. I don't think some , even those of us as old as me who can remember when the average woman could not get a credit card or buy a house in her own name, fully understand the "culture" family. You don't indicate if you are also a product of a "culture" family but if so, you are being squeezed from both sides. I have witnessed this in families from Asia, eastern Europe, Latin America and occasionally from the US ("daughters are expected to do the care giving"). In many of these cultures, a daughter in law is looked upon as an inferior servant/slave. It has been that way for thousands of years and as your children watch you being denigrated by your husband and MIL, it is, in the backs of their subconscious minds, continuing.

It will take unbelievable courage and strength on your part to "break the cultural chains. Think of a black slave like Harriet Tubman, being in the south and running away from the people who "owned" her. If you are in the US, you do have a few things working in your advantage. There are doctors who can diagnose your condition (because you do have a stress condition), there are agencies who can help you find housing. You are educated and have a job so there is some income available to you. But it will take strength... your children may opt not to come with you; if they do come with you they may sulk, blaming your for the breakup of their family. Your husband may attempt to come and "retrieve" wherever you move so you may need to get a restraining order.

If you have the courage, determination and sheer grit, you can break away and at sometime in the future your daughter will come to understand why you did, but at this time, only you know how strong your are.

Please keep in touch and let us know how you are faring. I wish you blessings and peace on this journey.
Helpful Answer (5)
ywow47 Apr 2023
Very well said - I hope she takes the advice and has the strength to get out of this horrible situation. She deserves better.
Sounds like you are depressed, overwhelmed, anxiety ridden.
As long as you allow this situation to occur - and affect you and your children as it does - it will continue. It is an ALERT to what is happening to you; it is quite another ALERT to realize what is happening to your children as a result of this situation continuing on -

What can you do?

Take care of yourself the best you can:

Make a decision to change how you are in this situation and :

Eat healthy
Get support wherever you find it, including here
Get out even for 5 minutes to five hours
However, you need to do much more than eating and excising. You need to make some difficult decisions for you and your children.

You MUST set boundaries with her son / other family members of what you will and will not CONTINUE to do. If son won't place her in a facility, then that is his responsibility. Not yours.

If you do not take control of the situation, you will continue to spiral down into the depths of depression and worse. DO NOT ALLOW THIS TO CONTINUE.

YOU must take care of yourself, first. And you have allowed this situation to continue on for way too long now.

Counseling helps when we do something about what is going on.
Counseling doesn't magically take your stressors away - you need to do that as best you can. It starts with not allowing her in your home (or if this isn't possible, you leaving) so you can heal yourself.

Don't stuff in your anxiety, depression, overwhem with medication.

That won't help you in the long run - it numbs you out and will - perhaps - get you through a day or a week - the bottom line is you need to make decisions that are in YOUR best interest.

You have children. If not doing this for yourself, do it for them.
Think of how you are now and how that is affecting your kids.
This is a very unhealthy, toxic situation for you and your children to be in.

Gena / Touch Matters
Helpful Answer (1)

This is hair-raising. My solution would be to leave.

Your children are being taught that abuse in the home is acceptable. They WILL carry that into their adult lives in some form or fashion. They may inflict abuse - they may accept abuse, but it will manifest itself.

Let them see you put a stop to it - refuse to accept it - refuse to make them witness and accept it.

Reach around behind you and grab that spine.

Helpful Answer (10)
TouchMatters Apr 2023
Thank you.

Yes: REFUSE to accept it.

That is the only way the situation will change.
Your and your husband’s primary responsibility is to your children given to you by Hod to love, teach and protect. I I does not seem like that is happening.
I also came from a “cultural “ family. Many bad and untrue things were said about me when we moved my mother into a nursing home. However, we knew it was better for our family and her. )even one of our married children did not understand and wanted to take mom to her house). I had to stand strong and do what I knew was best for ALL, including mom. Once in the nursing home, our family was able to get back on track and mom got the help she needed. To think about it; it has to be torture for MIL also to be construing a state of agitation.
you and your husband might benefit from speaking to a counselor familiar with elderly issues, an elder lawyer, an elderly health care advocate, and some local nursing homes. Once your husband hears what they have to say, he may see things differently.
if he refuses to do the aforementioned, then I would look into protecting yourself (first put on your own oxygen mask) then your children.
I’ll be praying for you sweet sister 🙇🏻‍♀️
Helpful Answer (1)

Get yourself checked out by a doctor, but your symptoms are most likely stress and trauma responses. It’s ultimatum time. She needs to be put in memory care, or you need to take your children out of that nightmare situation and leave. Better yet, if the family insists she stay at home then she can live full time with your husband’s brother and your husband can go live with him and your sister in law can come live with you. Tell your husband this and seriously, to hell with what his family thinks.

You are damaging yourself and your children by continuing to stay in this situation. It will only change when you force the change.
Helpful Answer (9)

You poor dear. Yes of course you are burned out and stressed out. I’m not a psychologist, but I think you’ve been stuffing down your frustration for so long it’s bound to be coming out now, but in the form of detachment. Please try counseling again. The first few times you go might not have clicked. Or try a different counselor and be completely honest with them about what’s really going on. You can’t just let your family be sabotaged like this. And you need some advice in dealing with your husband. it’s hard to feel he’s treating you fairly as his partner in life while elevating his mother to such a level where he’d permit such abuse, diseased mind or not. Please get outside help to deal with this.
Helpful Answer (2)
TouchMatters Apr 2023
An affective therapist will support a person to do what is in their best interest. Although they cannot 'make' a person change if they are not ready to deal with what is going on, i.e., the fear of the unknown, long held beliefs of what she 'should' do ... becoming her own person, not doing what husband says.

Hopefully, if she tries counseling again that the person will be able to support this woman to make decisions in her and her children's best interest. However, she has to do the work and make these decisions.
And, I believe that she knows what she needs to do. It is finding the courage to do it - before she - and her children are further emotionally and psychologically traumatized.
I would strongly consider leaving the house as well. You and especially your children should not be subjected to this abuse. For you husband not to "have your back" against his mother is all the proof I need that this isn't the place for you. How dare he let this go on? He needs a wake up call or if he doesn't wake up, he can have her.

You don't need to be a caregiver for this viper. No way. Your children are seeing how you're allowing yourself to be treated by their own father and his mother. This will really damage them if it continues. This is your marital home, shame on your husband. I would be out of there. I'm sorry you're being subjected to this by your husband. Simply awful of him.
Helpful Answer (10)
TouchMatters Apr 2023
Yes: How dare he let this go on"

Sadly, as long as this woman allows it, it will continue.
She needs to develop some self-worth / self-esteem to make a needed, obvious, decision. "GET OUT" and allow yourself and your children to heal.
Actually I have real, diagnosed clinical depression (for most of my adult life) and what you describe sounds a lot like depression to me. And really, how could anyone NOT be depressed under those conditions? I think you might start with seeing a real psychiatrist, an MD. I got lucky when my mother was alive and found a geriatric psychiatrist.
Lately with my husband's dementia I have been wondering if I too were developing dementia -- I forget words (even ones I have SAID an hour earlier) -- and like you I feel frozen around my husband.
The sad thing in many cases like this is that the demented person is not just killing the caregiver -- he or she is also destroying the family. Your kids have the right to grow up without hearing their mother called obscenities. I would think their personalities and views of the world are suffering greatly. I have a friend whose son and his family went to "visit grandpa." Well, grandpa bit the youngest one on the arm so hard that he had to go to the hospital for many stitches. He still hasn't gotten over that one. It really altered his feeling of safety around adults and family members.
It's really sad that your husband won't stick up for you. You must feel completely isolated on this island of cruelty. All the solutions that occur to me are on the order of "leave," "get a divorce," " threaten a divorce unless BIL relaxes his cultural attitudes OR takes mom on for the entire year" -- and all of these would be extremely hard to put in place since even your husband seems to be against you.
The Alopecia is absolutely evidence of the stress you are under. This woman is killing you and nobody helps you?
Helpful Answer (6)
TouchMatters Apr 2023
Many thanks for your professional insights.
This is very helpful - as, sadly, often only a professional opinion may be heard by many. I hope this woman heeds your advice / comments.
Unfortunately, there is no magic wand. We have to take the steps , one at a time. . . Once the decision is made.
I am so sorry to hear about your situation. Caregiving can be extremely challenging. I found help with a clinical psychologist who deals specifically with CAREGIVERS dealing with loved ones suffering Alzheimer’s and Dementia.. Please look her up on INSTAGRAM or YOUTUBE . Or you can sign up for her online classes. Her name
is Dr NICOLE EDMONDS. She has completely changed my mindset and my attitude In caregiving for my husband.
You need to take care yourself and your family before you can take care of your loved one’s suffering..
Wishing you all the best.
Helpful Answer (3)

Time to call a lawyer, sweetheart, and file for divorce. What a horrible man you married.
Helpful Answer (10)

Thank you for all the responses. I feel like I have an extended family here who understands my concerns and listens to my venting. Thank you for all the solutions to manage my issues. I did briefly discuss with my 16 yr old about moving out. However, she is of the opinion to keep the family together since its 5 months. As you know, kids always want stability. They might realize when they grow up as adults but not now. I will have to manage my stress with some of the solutions mentioned below. Anyway this year we are going to maker her stay in her home country for about 3-4 months with a caregiver. Will see how it goes.
Helpful Answer (8)
NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2023
Of course, your daughter would like to have an intact family. What child wouldn’t want this as their first choice?

As time goes on though, your daughter will witness more and more chaos.

I know that you don’t want her to see things that she will wish she had never seen before.

If the situation becomes so disturbing, trust me, she will wish that you and her father were divorced so she can live in peace.

I have known people who prayed every night as a child for their parents to get a divorce.

What are you teaching her by staying? Don’t show her that she should do the same thing. Break this ugly cycle now before it becomes even worse.

These situations are never forgotten by children and will often require quite a bit of therapy later in life to heal.

Consider leaving, getting extended therapy for each of you and move forward in your lives. A couple of sessions aren’t enough to tackle a problem like this.

Once you and your children are away from the mayhem, you’ll start to see it for the disastrous situation that it truly is.

Best wishes to you and your family.
See 2 more replies
Annat, I hope you come back to update us and let us know what you've decided to do.
Helpful Answer (6)

Get noise cancelling, ear protective, headphones like the ones worn by people who work outside near jet engines at airports. Or noise reducing ear buds with music. Your MIL's jackhammering mouth is not something you must endure.

Put up a camera and send the information to her doctor, and to yours.

Take control of your world within your skin. Provide for your MIL's visits, if that is your duty and custom, with a clean place, food, tea, but not your ears or eyes. The heck with her health. That's her son's worry.

If she screams in your face, use your feet. Turn your back. Walk away. You maybe in mental chains (for now) but you are not in physical chains. Go about your business and pretend she is not there. Take power silently.

You're are taking your first step to becoming someone you haven't recognized in a while, and that is someone to be admired, if only to yourself because you are wise and with a good heart but terribly abused and unappreciated. Your kids will be proud of you.

This is part of what people mean when they say to caregivers, "make sure you take care of yourself too".

I also developed an autoimmune disease from tremendous stress. You have a basic human right to self-protect.

Get headphones for your kids too. You and they can learn sign language and have fun.

Get strong within your prison. Be clever and look like you have realized something deep and personal. Practice that presence. You're dealing with insects. They are stuck in a very repetitive and limited scope of behavior.

Get quiet. Pray, not pitifully asking for help but rather seeking a serene oasis. I found guided meditation YouTubes. Very unlike me but I initially did this to be polite to a friend and I found it to be genuinely mind quieting and healthful.

With time if you act like you've realized a new persona and put on a relaxed wisdom-fascade, (simply - a you guys can act the fool without me face) it will become you. Detach from the snake pit of crazies in your family. Practice a confident and self-assured matriarchal peace. You may be in the land of loud and unkind savages but you know reason, and what is not to be tolerated, and your vote on all things will be known by your lack of reaction.

What would you advise your child in similar straits, heaven forbid.

I wish you strength and happiness with your creativity.
Helpful Answer (7)
MicheleDL Apr 2023
I wrote above as someone who believes you won't leave your home with your husband. I am first generation and I've seen this before.

I would not stay with an abusive, bullying husband and MIL.

You hand down to your children deeply ingrained traditions. Dishing out and eating poop will become one of these traditions. Where did you learn it?

You must be a ground breaker. Seek help. Do the hardwork for your children's future mental health, happiness and to not repeat a life of tortured sadness.
See 1 more reply

Geeeeeez, I feel your pain.

It’s awful that you are in this situation. I bet that you would like to kick your MIL out or run away and never return to see her again. She really should be in a facility.

I certainly hope that you will not have to endure this situation for much longer.

It’s funny how you said that your MIL prays and curses simultaneously. I actually know someone who does this too. When you said that you sometimes laugh at her because. I can relate to that because it is absolutely ridiculous, yet sad at the same time.

The woman that I know, will be deep in prayer, then stops suddenly praying to curse her family out. It’s nuts!
Helpful Answer (2)

You and SIL should move in together with the kids and let the brothers live with their mom.
Helpful Answer (15)
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2023
Great idea!
You don't have caregiver burnout. You are being abused by your MIL. No one has to live in abuse whether the abuser has dementia or not.
There are two choices here. The first one is MIL goes to live with her other children.
The other is she gets put into a nursing home/memory care.
If your husband is unwilling to choose his wife and children over his mother, you talk to a divorce lawyer and have him served.
Your account of abuse here is horrific to read. If this were my MIL I would drop her off at a hospital ER with a note pinned to her jacket and drive away.
You deserve better than to be treated with such abuse by your MIL and such neglect by your husband. Your children do not deserve to have their homelife and childhoods ruined by a mean, nasty, demented, abusive monster living in their home who torments their mother day and night.
You lay down the law with your husband today. Your man needs to be made to understand that by continuing to have his mother in your home, he is creating the perfect conditions for elder abuse to happen.
You show him this post. It's coming from someone who was in-home caregiver for 25 years. I've been in every kind of caregiving situation there is.
I have known many good DIL's who got physical with their elderly MIL or FIL because their husbands ignored a dangerous situation.
I worked for a miserable elderly woman. Her DIL became a good friend of mine. She was stuck with her 24/7 because she didn't work outside the home.
Her MIL was such a monster that being her caregiver drove her to a nervous breakdown. I showed up for work and that poor woman was in the garage with car running.
She was okay, her husband made other arrangements for his mother though.
You make your husband understand that either he chooses you and his kids over his mother, or he gets a second job. He's going to need it with all the alimony and child support he will have to pay.
If you have any family or friends you and your kids can stay with, you should go for a while. Make your husband deal with his mother. She is not your responsibility and you do not have to share your home with her.
She is his responsibility and his siblings.
Helpful Answer (12)
MicheleDL Apr 2023
100% terrific.
I especially liked the part about dropping MIL off at the ER with a note pinned on her jacket, and then driving away.
There is nothing wrong with you, and you are not suffering from caregiver burnout. What you are suffering from is incessant, prolonged verbal and emotional abuse. Stop trying to fix yourself when you aren't the problem.

Cultural issues be dam*ed. The abuse may be directed at you but it is also having a serious negative impact on your children, and in any case there is no culture that says it's absolutely fine for elders to treat daughters-in-law abominably and husbands need do nothing about it.

You can look up caregivers' resources on your state's or county's website, and you could also look up local special interest groups related to your MIL's heritage and see what they have to offer.
Helpful Answer (9)

since you posted under Caregiver Burnout and how do you self diagnose...
Well sister you got it in spades!
I think the reaction (or non reaction) you are having now is much like an abused dog would eventually have. They give up the fight and submit.
I would hate to think that is going or is happening to you.
During the 5 months that MIL is "visiting" is there any way you can take the kids and go to a friends house? A relative? Get a short term rental?
The exposure your kids are getting is not healthy mentally for them.
If this is what they know and think is "normal" I can see this happening to them or they are going to subject their spouse to the same thing, Do you want that for another person?
I also think it is unfair to MIL to not be getting proper care, not that you and you husband are not caring for her but someone that has that much anxiety, fear, anger should be properly medicated to relieve some of that fear, anxiety for their own mental health.
If you have not talked to a therapist you should although...if you can not do anything to change the situation talking is just talking.
Helpful Answer (5)

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