
Are Christmas and birthday monetary gifts included?

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Yes, any monetary gifts are subject to transfer penalty - birthday, Xmas. Tithing to churches is ok as tax exempt. Each state manages its Medicaid program uniquely but under an overall federal guideline. So how the application is reviewed in AL will be different than for TX. The states can require a full 5 years of each months bank statements with cancelled checks and all financial information (all insurance policies; investment portfolios; tax assessor bills on real property). Plus you have to give them the applicants awards letters (from SS and retirement). Applying for Medicaid really enables the state an all - access pass to all finances including taxes. If the amount gifted is significant, you'd be best off by seeing an elder law attorney BEFORE you do the application.

For my MIL TX application, she wrote checks for small amounts - under $ 200 - which required additional documentation on as to what they were for in order for her to be eligible.
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And if you wait till after the 5 year look back period, you can get away with murder. I didn't. But others in my family did.
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