
My mother has Alzheimer, this morning she woke and told my sister that my grandmother was laying in the bed next to her and my sister asked her did she still see my grandmother and she told her no. My grandmother who has been deceased over twenty years. I told her to just say ok and not question her.

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It was a dream she had. Dementia patients often mix up dreams with real events. This is called "delusional". It may a preoccupation with those who have passed on, wondering where they are, and attempting to reach them.
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What your Mom saw is fairly common. After my Mom had passed last year, the caregiver would say that my Dad was reaching up calling her name. So I think in their mind, or it could be a spirit, is very real real to them. As for declining, it can vary from person to person.

Last week for a quick couple of seconds I saw my Mom leaving my bedroom, it was the back of her, she had on her bathrobe, she was much younger, then she vanished. It felt so real as I rarely dream about my late parents.
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Thank You! That's what I told my sister, I think she was a little scared that the spirit was still right there with them, which she may have been.
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My grandmother used to do that a lot. "Yes honey. Ok." Then she'd turn around to us and say: "That was Clarence. He said ya'll bout to git dat money!" We'd just bust out laughing. She didn't last long after that. My mom is now starting to do that to. I can be quiet and she'll ask: "What did you say? I didn't hear what you said." And I'm not talking at all. =\
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