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Perhaps having a bedside commode near her so she won't have to travel far to use the bathroom, and having her of course wear Depends(or something like them)at all times as well may help.
You may also have to assist her to the bathroom to try and prevent these accidents.
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Until you get the problem fixed, put a disposable underpad next to the toilet, let her stand on it before pulling down her pants. Any accidental leak will be contained, and will keep the floor dry and clean, and avoid slip and fall.
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In addition to advice from funkygrandma. I would add maybe having her try to use the bathroom every two hours while awake to prevent accidents.
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I'd say aim for a close positon - as close to the toilet as possible before lowering pants + snug fitting pullups to (hopefully) catch the leaks.

Not being able to hold on long enough to be in place over the toilet can be a tricky problem!

It's can range from a little leaking to a lot, especially when standing up (due to our anatomy). This can be caused by muscle weakness, neurological (ie brain signalling issue), or both.

I've had both types. Was unable to hold due to pelvic floor weakness after childbirth. Physiotherapy 'Kegel' lift & squeeze exercises got that right again. I've had the 'leak at the bathroom door' type too (neuro). Treatment was;
- 'Kegel' exercises for strength
- regular toilet visits to avoid getting 'desparate to go'
- visualise a rollarcoaster slowing going up & hold hold hold until good to go

You could try researching if there a Continance phone advice line where you live? I found one & the RN was excellent, so experienced. She said not everything can be fixed. So getting the right products can make life easier.

"If cannot cure, aim to contain" was the advice.
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Bette123 Aug 2023
Yeah! I, too, agree with you. I had severe migraine for years and took all possible kinds of medicines. My body got tired, and I could not work with this migraine. It interrupted my day-to-day activity. So like last hope, I booked an appointment with a physiotherapist( They examined me and my records. Then worked on the best-tailored solution. I do not have to intake any medicines. I must say I am feeling better now. Though it is not completely cured, it is not messing up my life like before. Hope it can heal completely.
What about a soft cushion toilet seat , maybe she doesn’t like a cold hard seat . Tell to sit on the cushion first
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She needs to start using pull ups. That way she pees in them instead of the floor. They can be ripped at the sides to get them off easily. There is also a way of putting them on without having to completely take her pants off.
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