
She is a stage 4 cancer patient and cannot deal with all of this but wants to stay in her home. Their constant chattering is making her use more oxygen.She is now on 5 liters of oxygen.

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Have a pow wow with them or send out a nice note to each of them explaining it is too much for aunt right now and although you and aunt appreciate their visits, would they consider making shorter visits and keeping conversations brief.

If they won't stop...then ask them to do aliitle care or assistance when they come..for example "oh cousin Sue! Auntie will be so glad to see you Sunday, can you please bring over lunch when you come? Auntie will love that." Then when sue comes, you leave and take a break for an hour or so. Gets you out of the fray.
Maybe then relatives will back off if they are given some responsibilities and they are with auntie by themselves.
Also, you can ask them to visit in other ways by just sending a card or treats; iChat maybe.
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Put them to work cooking and cleaning. That drives all but the most dedicated to stay away.... works every time.
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