
Airlines 10 hours

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If this person needs assistance in a normal bathroom, just remember that only 1 person can fit in an airplane bathroom with the door closed. If the person has a BM mid-flight, what will you do about the smell? And clean-up?

More info would be helpful.
Helpful Answer (4)

? Bring a change of briefs (several) and use the restroom on board the plane?

You provide no details at all about your situation, who you're caring for, health issues, why you're traveling, no profile, it's impossible to give you a real answer without more info.
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If you have at least 2 weeks time before, put her on Bells Lifestyle bladder tea. Guaranteed HUGE difference. Magic, really (my Mom had THE worst incontinence) I would put her on that no matter what. 1x mug a day about $20 a month.

Regardless of the tea, they (we) do have to stand often on a ten hour flight. No more than 2 hours sitting. That gives you 5 bathroom opportunities. A hassle but doable!
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Please don't do this. Sometimes when we get to a certain point in life, we have to accept that some things are no longer possible. The stress of this for you and the other person (if the patient isn't you) will be difficult. People must stay hydrated on long flights; that means more fluid is likely to be eliminated. That means more Depends, where do you dispose of them? Where do you even change them? What about leakage? If you cut down on fluids, that makes problems for the body, which is already trying to adjust to travel stress. Time zone adjustment is part of that; what kind of condition mentally and physically are you in when you get there? OMG, I can't think of anything worse to do to a person. I've traveled frequently and widely all over the world. Longest flights were 13 hours. No way would I do it if even partially incontinent.
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babsjvd Nov 2022
It depends on why the travel. I moved my mom across the US … driving was a big NO.. no other choice … traveling across the states to move her necessitated the long flight with lay overs…
Don't do it! Will it really be worth it, and how will you clean up any accidents while on a plane? I'm getting stressed out just thinking about that.
I didn't even like taking my husband to the doctor while he was incontinent. I can't imagine 10 hours on a plane.
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My mom had chronic diarrhea, gave her anti diahreal before travel. Limit fluids…Get your loved one into the bathroom before boarding… is it 10 hours of travel or 10 hour flight. It was an all day affair with my mom , but worked out
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JbirdyK, welcome to the forum. Question, is this question for yourself, or for someone who is traveling with you?

Being a 10 hour flight, sounds like an overseas flight, or a flight that is within the country but with layovers until a second flight.

Are your traveling with someone who also has Alzheimer's/Dementia? Mobile issues? Why I ask about mobile issue is that 10 hours sitting is not good for the body, one needs to stand up or stretch to keep from having blood cots form.

As others had mentioned, we really do need more information from you so we can form an answer closer to your needs.
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